5 Simple Math Fluency Strategies for 2nd Grade Students

Math fluency is such an essential building block for our students, especially in 2nd grade. Add that to the list of things to teach, right? Sometimes it feels like our schedules are just too packed to fit in anything else. Between fitting in small group lessons, managing centers, and prepping for the next big concept, […]
The Best Morning Routine for Your Elementary Students
I thrive on consistency and a structured schedule. Knowing what’s expected of me helps me get into the right mindset each day. As I continue to grow as an effective teacher, I’ve learned that my students also benefit from this. They naturally crave those boundaries, even without directly expressing them. When they know what’s expected, […]
5 Engaging Elementary Activities For After Winter Break
I always look forward to those couple of weeks off for winter break. To make the transition back to school a little smoother, and so I can enjoy every minute of the break, I prepare activities for the first week in January before we leave in December. This way, returning to the classroom doesn’t feel […]
How to Teach Computational Fluency in Math
As teachers, we know that math is so much more than just numbers on a page. It’s about building confidence, fostering problem-solving skills, and helping our students see how patterns and logic can be awesome. One of the keys to making this happen is developing strong computational fluency with our students. What exactly does that […]
Unlock the Benefits of a Spiral Review in Your Elementary Classroom
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could teach a math concept once, and our kiddos just held on to that information forever? We’d either be out of a job or surrounded by little geniuses! One of the main reasons I started using a spiral review in my math classes was because I wanted my students […]
Why You Need Daily Spiral Review to Support Math Instruction
Daily spiral review is so important for our students in order for them to retain information we’ve taught earlier in the year. In this post, I’m going to share about my 4th grade math spiral review. However, if you need other grade levels, I have you covered! HOW DAILY SPIRAL REVIEW WORKS: It’s a simple, […]